Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuckered Out!

What an evening at the Larsen home.  Ryleigh was whining and crying on the kitchen floor while I was making dinner about whether or not she got to stay up until Dad got home from work and having to take a bath before dinner.  Once I got dinner in the oven, I pulled Bailey away from Dora and Ryleigh off the kitchen floor and threw them both in the tub. 
You would've thought I was beating my children with the screaming and hollering coming out of their mouths.  One was screaming she wanted her blankie and Dora and the other was still crying about the previous issues which caused water to get in her eyes which then caused a full blown screaming fit.  While both of them were screaming, they were also kicking which meant they were kicking each other because of the small space they were in which lead to more screaming as well as splashing water all over the bathroom.  After washing both of them as quickly as possible I got them both out, Bailey dressed and calmed down and asked Ryleigh to go get dressed.
I went downstairs to check on dinner and realized the crying from upstairs had stopped.  I go to their room and find Ryleigh on the floor, still in her towel, asleep.
She played hard all weekend and it caught up to her I guess.  I got her out of her towel, into jammies and in bed with out her waking up.  She is going to wake up one hungry girl in the morning.


Unknown said...

I love me a good Ry fit :) never seen a Bay one tho! I hate when my kids get over tired...now that they are older we can let them stay up later when we are doing something fun but too many nights in a row it adds up w/ Ashlyn and we get the same results :(

Unknown said...

too funny!