Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Record Timing

Ryleigh can clear a bookshelf in nothing flat. This would be her favorite thing to do in the office, not Mom and Dad's favorite thing to clean up. Time to teach her how to put them back on the shelf.


Unknown said...

Ummm, yes you are definitly a nicer Mom than I - I'd be so mad to have to clean that up all the time! It looked like a lot of them are kids' books...is she hinting she wants a story read? Blake did this a couple of times, he then had a book BASKET rather than books on a shelf for quite awhile....Ashlyn never discovered that passtime. :) Man is she FAST though, holy cow!

Devin and Shannon Larsen said...

She has a basket of her board books. These are the paperback so I keep them on the shelf. We usually stop her at the first few books so as to not have to clean them all up. The bookshelf has both kid and adult books. For some reason she only pulls off the kid books.

McDowell Family said...

HA! I love how she giggles in between her destruction! Madison and Zachary's book shelves are low but she hasn't discovered them yet!

Unknown said...

The kids finally saw this video...the first thing they said was, "Oooo, she's gonna get in trouble!" Then they laughed hysterically at her making the mess.