Thursday, August 28, 2014

Last Minute Trip

We decided to take one last trip the weekend before I headed back to work.  We went to Shoshone Falls.  They are doing construction on the dam so a big part of the falls is blocked off.  It wasn't nearly as cool as it usually is but the girls thought it was pretty cool.

After we had a picnic at Shoshone Falls, we headed over to Dierkes Lake to play for the afternoon. 

Bailey was pretty grouchy that afternoon due to no nap so she spent most of the time laying on the towel instead of playing in the lake. 

The girls LOVE going to hotels.  This one had two pools so we spent a lot of time swimming.
Bailey stood in front of this mirror forever watching herself dance.  It was pretty funny. 

Our hotel was pretty close to the Perrine Bridge so we took a walk over to it. 

Ryleigh and Devin even walked over the bridge.  I thought for sure Ryleigh would freak out.  Surprisingly, she didn't.

We also got to go hang out with Devin's friends from college one afternoon.  It was a fun weekend and fun to get away one last time before school started.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How fun! Those falls look awesome! How far away are they from Boise? We need to check them out... And the caves Maddie went on a field trip to. When we lived in NM Blake had slide doors with mirrors on his bedroom was the first time he had a mirror at his level! EVERY day he would watch himself in it! We have lots of pictures of him in all different outfits and made for a cute scrapbook page!