Monday, June 6, 2011


I had to go into work today for interviewing so Devin stayed home with the girls.  When I came home I was greeted by a little Ryleigh saying, "Mess mama, mess!"  This is a girl who doesn't like messes and lets you know right away when one is made.  I followed her and saw a little popcorn on the kitchen floor.  I said, "Yep, there is a mess.  Let's clean it up," and I continued on my way.  As I turned the corner to go upstairs this is what I saw...

popcorn on every stair.  Don't ask me how she managed to get it on EVERY stair.  I called for Devin to come look as she pointed out her "pocorn" as if I didn't see it.  He was on the computer doing credits to renew his license.  He had no clue what Ryleigh was doing.  He thought she was still eating the popcorn in the office with him.  I am sure she tried telling him about the mess because she always does but I guess he ignored her. 

I asked her to help clean it up and this was how she helped.


Jen said...

That's hilarious! And what a smart girl to clean up popcorn by eating it. A girl after my own heart.

Unknown said...

I hope the house is still standing when ya leave him at home with the girls when you go back to work :) especially when Bailey does more than sleep all out Dad!